Oct 4
Bid ended

2023-014-RFP-Airbus Engineering HVAC Assessment #14779

Mobile, AL (G-NR-E)


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 9/21/23 2:00pm
Bid Date 10/4/23 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Mobile Airport Authority
Rita Barren  
(251) 438-7334

The Mobile Airport Authority (hereinafter referred to as the “MAA”) is requesting proposals from a qualified public entity or private firm, to establish a contract for Assessment and Design Services for HVAC Systems at Airbus Engineering. It shall be the responsibility of the proposer to deliver his proposal to MAA’s office by the announced time. Delivery Location: Mobile Airport Authority (“MAA”), 1891 9th Street, Mobile, Alabama 36615. The Proposals shall be to the attention of Rita Barren, Procurement Officer in a sealed envelope identified on the outside with the Proposer’s Business Name, License #, Proposer Identity - Request for Proposals for Assessment and Design Services for HVAC Systems at Airbus Engineering and the due date. Proposals will be publicly opened. The Request for Proposals (RFP No. 2023-014) may be downloaded from MAA’s website at https://www.mobileairportauthority.com/downtown/rfp/ . I. GENERAL INFORMATION: Sealed proposals shall be received by the MAA to wit: Mobile Airport Authority (“MAA”), 1891 9th Street, Mobile, Alabama 36615, on or before the hour of 2:00 p.m. on October 04, 2023. Any RFP received after this closing time will be returned unopened. A Pre-Proposal Meeting will be held on September 21, 2023 @ 2:00 p.m. at 1891 9th Street, Mobile, Alabama 36615 to discuss the Description of Work. Site walkthrough will immediately follow. Attendance of the pre-proposal meeting is non mandatory. Any oral response given at the Pre-Proposal Conference that is not confirmed in the written summary, or by a subsequent addendum shall not be official or binding on the MAA. Only written responses shall be official and all other forms of communication with any officer, employee, or agent of the MAA shall not be binding on the MAA. RFP Proposers, their consultants, sub-consultants, or other parties representing the proposed team for this solicitation may not contact any Mobile Airport Authority Employee, Selection Committee member, or Architect, with the exception of the Procurement Officer, as identified in this RFP, concerning this Project from the date of this advertisement until after the date of selection. RFP 2023-014 Assessment and Design Services for HVAC Systems - Airbus 09/11/2023 4 | P a g e II. CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS In order to ensure a fair and objective RFP evaluation, all questions for clarification related to this RFP shall be made in writing. All questions must be submitted in writing via E-mail prior to 5:00 pm on September 26, 2023. Emailed to: russell@mobairport.com Such clarification will be submitted to all known responding firms simultaneously. Answers to questions will also be posted on MAA’s website, as well as any Addenda at www.mobileairportauthority.com. Vendors are responsible for checking Mobile Airport Authority website for any addendum. III. PROPOSAL SUBMITTALS All proposal submittals should be in a sealed envelope and the sealed envelope shall be marked as follows: Mobile Airport Authority ATTN: Rita L. Barren, Procurement Officer (SEALED BID) - Deadline: October 04, 2023 @ 2:00 pm Project Name: Assessment and Design Services for HVAC Systems at Airbus Engineering RFP No. 2023-014 / Proposer’s Name & License # Further details are included in the MAA’s Request for Qualifications package. MAA reserves the right to reject all submissions and to waive any informalities.